Registration for the DAC6 portal

Welcome to the DAC6 Portal of the Netherlands Tax and Customs Administration.

If eHerkenning is not available to you (for example because you are a private individual), use this registration form to register for an account for the DAC6 data portal.

Please note that your registration can take several weeks and that only one account is provided per applicant. It is not possible to request different accounts for multiple employees of an organisation.

After verification you will receive account details with which you can access the portal in a secure manner.

More information about the DAC6 portal

See for further details about DAC6 the DAC6 portal manual

Registration data
Here you enter the name of the company or your own name
Format: DD-MM-YYYY
Mandatory if available
Personal data
Your personal email address if you register as an individual. For company applications, use your personal address at the company you represent.
Enter your e-mail address again for validation.
Enter your mobile phone number again for validation.